City of Covington, Kentucky Attempting to Legislate Separation of People Without Homes From People With Homes.

This is the ordinance proposed by the Covington, Kentucky Mayor and Commissioners:  City of Cov Proposed ES Ordinance

Below is our letter to Mayor Meyer, Commissioners and City Administration.

For a PDF of our letter click here:Letter to Covington Mayor Meyer RE Shelter Draft Ordinance


Changing the Score: Annual Dinner 2019

Every year the Coalition celebrates the accomplishments of its members, the community, and the supporters at our Annual Dinner and Award Ceremony. This has long been an opportunity for organizations and individuals to come together and to share in the success of another year working alongside those experiencing homelessness.

Come celebrate with hundreds of individuals working towards this common goal. Help us recognize individuals who will be receiving awards for their hard work that evening, raise money for operating funds to help sustain our mission, and dance and celebrate another year of hard work!

Join us on Thursday, December 12, 2019 for a night of dinner, awards, dancing and a silent auction.

Tickets can be purchased using the following link:


Nominate a person, program, and/or organization for an award!

Click below for nomination forms and instructions.  Nominees and award recipients will be honored at the dinner.  Nominations are due November 29:

Julie Martin Service Provider of the Year

This award is for the individual or agency who has provided exemplary services with people experiencing homelessness in Greater Cincinnati and has shown dedication to the mission of ending homelessness in Greater Cincinnati.

Jimmy Render Award

This award honors a person who is currently experiencing homelessness or has in the past and has committed themselves to addressing the needs of people experiencing homelessness.

Young Advocates Award

This award honors outstanding young leaders who are committed to promoting awareness about homelessness and whose actions have supported people experiencing homelessness.  Age Categories: K-8th grade, 9th-12th grade, 18-25 years old.

buddy gray Lifetime Achievement Award

This award, given in memory of buddy gray, is reserved for an individual who has dedicated their life to social justice through a lifetime of community activism, working over 15 years on behalf of people experiencing poverty and/or homelessness in the Greater Cincinnati area to improve the quality of life for all and address systemic issues attached to poverty.