Thank You! Thank You! Thank You!

We showed up on August 2nd at City Hall!  Our rally was packed, the energy was high and the art display was stunning.  Approximately 50 different organizations were represented.

Dozens of people addressed City Council.  People told story after story of their personal struggle to find housing they can afford, the struggle to live without a home, the struggle to care for your children without an affordable home, the constant, often nearly impossible fight to assist people in finding affordable housing, the uphill battle to keep ownership of homes people worked years to own, and on and on and on.  We spoke to council for two-and-a-half hours straight.  We filled the first floor of council chambers to standing room only.  We covered much of the rarely used balcony.  And despite all of the pain emotionally described by person after person, everyone spoke with strong hope for the future because of what the funding outlined in our charter amendment  would accomplish.

Once our amendment passes this November, we will have to vote a second time in November 2024 to pass an ordinance implementing the restored earned income tax named in the amendment for truly affordable housing. Because action from City Council could put both our amendment and the implementation of the funding on this November’s ballot, avoiding the need for a second vote in 2024, and allowing us to vote to start funding truly affordable housing an entire year earlier, everyone called on City Council to pass a motion committing themselves to put funding for truly affordable housing on the ballot this November because we need housing NOW!  Council instead, opted to go about business as usual.

Unphased, we walked two doors down the hall and turned in our nearly 12,000 signatures to put our amendment on the November 7, 2023 ballot.  We have the strength, resolve and conviction to get it all done ourselves, even if we have to vote twice!

We are taking the keys to unlock truly affordable housing for all in Cincinnati!


Sign on to let us know you’re with us! Join the movement and pledge to vote yes in November to put funding for truly affordable housing on the ballot! 

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